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Friday, October 25, 2013

New Beginnings for the RedHead

So last month I told everyone about the juggling I started:  I threw some things out there to see what kind of response I would get if I offered Farrah for sale/lease/syndication/sponsorship on Sport Horse Nation (Thanks!).  I am not sure what kind of response I was expecting, but let me say I was overwhelmed!  In a good way; qualified riders with a lot to offer contacted me from all over.  I asked myself, this is a pony, my pony, not a full sized horse, and I have all these riders interested?   It was so awesome and thrilling and kinda scary at the same time.  

I had some excellent offers, from 4* riders down to 15 year olds wanting to ride their first preliminary......foreign and domestic riders.  In the end, I chose the rider who I thought would fit Farrah's personality and riding style best and who impressed me with their professionalism.  Even though she couldn't come for a test ride due to a bum ankle, she sent her good friend Lisa Barry (who did a great job on Farrah) to test ride Farrah and called me that night with a proposal I could not refuse.  

I am so proud to say that Forrest Nymph, aka Farrah or the Red Head, will be ridden by Sinead Halpin (SHE) beginning in December.   Farrah's former owner, Lynn Simpson, and breeder, Leslie Feakins of Trevelyan Farm, are super excited as well.  Black Dog Farm (where Farrah resides) will miss her Highness, but we will have a great team to cheer on this winter. 

Thanks so much to Lauren DeNeve for putting the excellent preliminary miles on Farrah.  A special shout out to Nataly Pacheco for helping me keep Farrah ridden well and to Lauren DeLalla for helping make this connection to Sinead.

Go Red Head and Team SHE!

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